Prayer changes…

Prayer changes…

People… places…things… attitudes… ideas… you… ME!


The list goes on and on. Prayer is a powerful weapon and tool because it puts us in communication with the Most Powerful One!


Through my many 21 years (ha!) I’ve realized something (and am still realizing it): I can’t change people. As much as I try to persuade and manipulate (oh, so hard to admit at times)… It just won’t happen. However, I have found something that does work! PRAYER! I pray when someone is being unreasonable with me and I don’t want to lash back but know that God needs to be in the middle of it. I pray when I am the one being unreasonable and ask God to change my heart and desires to match up with His, so I can be loving and kind.


Prayer works miracles big and small! I often will say little prayers that may seem like nothing at the time but when I look back, I see just how much God has answered all of my seemingly petty prayers! Just the other day, I asked my friend about something that didn’t seem like a big deal but ended up being a big deal. After praying for several minutes as I went about my day-knowing that I was in the right, I decided to let it go because I knew that I wasn’t going to be the one changing her mind. Here’s the amazing little miracle: God changed her mind. She came to me in humility and love and told me it was ok and that she was sorry. She had been praying as well and followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit to respond in love. I LOVE when God does this!


The same kind of thing has happened countless times with my boyfriend. We may have a disagreement or conflict about something (shocking I know) and I will submit it to the Lord because there is nothing I can do. In some way or another, his mind or mine was changed or attitude or perspective on whatever the issue may be and we were able to resolve the conflict with ease.


Now I know I’m using examples of others being changed, but what about me?! I’ve been changed through prayer! Whether it was through the prayers of my parents or my boyfriend or loving friends, I know that on more than one occasion I have had to recognize and admit my selfishness and ask for forgiveness.


So?! What does this have to do with those people who aren’t inclined to the prompting of the Holy Spirit?! He changes them too! At some point or another, we all were not inclined to the Holy Spirit but he softened our hearts anyway and drew us to our heavenly Father. Be faithful in prayer and lift it all up to the Lord because he hears you.


When do we pray?


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 “Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”


If we don’t have the words?
The Holy Spirit does!

Romans 8:26-27

26 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”


We have no excuse!


PS- I would love to hear how God has used prayer in your life to change a situation, a person, yourself, or anything else!

2 thoughts on “Prayer changes…

  1. Great post Ella! I liked what you said about us trying to change people or even manipulate others, rather than laying down our needs before our father and giving him control. I’ve learned a lot about trust through prayer the past couple years. When I’m secure in God and I find my identity in our Father, I trust that he will move and that my prayers matter to him. When I’m filled with the spirit I also trust I’m praying about things that actually matter to his kingdom, that they will be things that grab his heart and attention right away. But then there are the other times, where maybe my priorities are out of whack, I hit snooze one too many times, or I’m in a storm and feel distant from God. That’s when I try to take control and do as much stuff as I am able to make things happen, because insecurity drive me to do more because trust in God is lacking. When I pray more it reveals my heart trusts God more, when I pray less it reveals my heart trusts God less.

    Thanks for the post Ella love ya and miss ya!


    1. Wow Ben! Thanks for reading and also sharing your words of wisdom. I pray that we can grow to trust God more and more and that we will submit ourselves and our requests to him.
      I love you and miss you too! Maybe there will be some family events where we can see each other soon ;).


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