I’ve always wanted to change the world. This blog is part of my outlet for that. Change can only come about through being in connection with other individuals, and collectively we can create change. Writing is one way to share thoughts, ideas, and passions with the world. I’ve always felt that if I can have a small aha! moment, then maybe someone somewhere will also be able to identify and experience the moment with me.

Of course, I love Jesus and without him, my life would not look the way it does today. He has helped me through so many hard times and celebrated with me through so many good times. He is my closest friend, Father, and Savior. He is the reason I want to change the world, and I pray that everything I do or say/write will bring more glory to HIM.

I am married to my best friend, co worker, partner, and love, Teddy. Together we intentionally live in a Lighthouse in the inner city of Omaha, where we hope to connect more with neighbors, make friends, and live life the way that God designed. We might even start a garden!! I am amazed at how marriage allows me to experience a new kind of love and grace, and learn how to give it as well.

EllaSmiles is all about people in a process. I’m not the same person I was yesterday, and I won’t be the same tomorrow. That means that some of the views or thoughts shared are in process too.

This is a place for expression and sharing nuggets of wisdom I am learning. I am always seeking the truth in every situation, but I also understand that, as humans, we can misunderstand or be misunderstood.

I ask that you read thoughtfully and if anything seems off or I need to shift my perspective in some way, I would love to hear from you!

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